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May 15, 20181 min read
All starts with Black. And white. Colors that are more than Colors... they gather all rainbow inside.
Black is Africa, black is the Soul, black is the unknown, the Isis-Aisha super power of all women... Exu loves black... and Red. He is the beginning...
Red is the blood, the vital-force, is passion, love... is a Flower.
White is peace, is an old griot with white beards... White is milk, white is the ocean when the waves brake... White is Obatala, the Preto-Velho, is Oxalufa.
We start with so many stories... so ancient tales we roll from a shell...
We fast that day...because we felt we need to purify our spirit to receive all frequencies of all the colors. In the morning we went to the "second beach" to play our songs...
Afternoon we celebrate the red vibration.
At night, the black came!
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May 15, 20180 min read
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